Chcialem zainstalowac indy. Jednak nie jest to takie latwe... Zrobilem kolejno co bylo w instrukcji:
Close the Borland C++ Builder IDE if it is open.
Zamknalem borlanda
• Temporarily copy IDPAS32.obj to a temporary directory. You do not want to delete that file because it is NOT part of the Indy package.
Skopiowalem plik IDPAS32.obj gdzie indziej
• Remove all Indy files including dclindy*.bpl, dclindy.*, dclindy*.bpl, indy*.lib, id*.pas, id*.hpp, id*.obj, and id*.dcu. Take care that you only remove the old Indy files and not something else. Be sure that you also remove any indy*.bpl from your Windows\System32 directory.
Usunalem wszystkie pliki wymienione wyzej
• Restore IDPAS32.obj from the temporary directory you created earlier to the directory where it was originally located.
Przywrocilem plik IDPAS32.obj
• Remove all old Indy Help files, indy.*, from the Help subdirectory and replace them with the new ones.
Usunalem wszystkie help'y z indy, lecz nie skopiowalem nowych gdyz nie ma ich w paczce
• Place the new version of Indy in a directory of your choice. When unzipping, please keep the \source directory for the archive intact because that is used by some build batch files.
Folder z nowymi indami utworzylem w %programfiles%Borland\CBuilder6\Source
• In the source directory, there are several batch files. Run the appropriate one for your version of Borland C++ Builder:
• FULLC4.BAT - Borland C++ Builder 4
• FULLC5.BAT - Borland C++ Builder 5
• FULLC6.BAT - Borland C++ Builder 6
Odpalilem FULLC6.BAT, okienko konsoli pokazalo sie i zniknelo.
• These batch files create subdirectories in the main Indy directory folder. They are (C4 for C++Builder 4, C5 for C+Builder 5, and C6 for C++Builder 6). These directories contain:
• The Indy .DCU files
• The Indy .HPP files
• The Indy .LIB file
• The Indy .OBJ files
• The Indy Design-Time .BPL
• Open the Borland C++ Builder IDE.
A, nu, stworzyl dodatkowy katalog D6 pietro wyzej. A w tym katalogu nic. Doslownie nic... Wedlug dalszych wskazowek mam dodac paczke nazwana dclIndy, ale skad, jak nic nie zostalo utworzone?
Od razu pisze, ze wczesniej probowalem instalowac indy, lecz cos pochrzanilem, i zainstalowalem ponownie BCB6. Wczesniej, ten plik FULLC6.BAT po uruchomieniu robil pare rzeczy. A teraz nic. Dodalem komende pause na koniec tego pliku i ukazal mi sie napis po ponownym otworzeniu:
Resetting registry rootkey to HKCU, and retrying
Compiler not installed!